How can you help us

Let's save books together
Our organization is supported by friends of books, books donors, volunteers who have been involved in rescuing books. Our thanks go to all who are helping to create a home for unwanted books and support the activities of our organization in various ways - by donating books, financially, voluntary work, or any form of assistance.

Donate books to us
You have too many books? Do you have books that you no longer read, books that lie in the attic, garage or basement or they simply stand in the way in your home? At the moment we do have enough books. You can put small amounts of books in our publicly accessible book shelves.

How to support us financially
We are a non-profit organization, we provide books for the general public and every reader can choose a book according to his taste. This book rescue mission incuros various costs ( rental of premises, operation of the car which picks up the books, fuel, storage and manipulation with books, ...). Your financial contribution can help us with the book collection, keep our organization going so we will be able to save more books.

We accept contributions as payments to our account, postal order or via the portal in the upper right corner of this site.

Our bank coordinates:

Account Name:Domov použitých kníh, občianske združenie

Ideas and volunteering

  • Send us your comments, ideas, suggestions on how to improve our activities
  • Tell about this unique book project to your, friends, loved ones, neighbors, colleagues.
  • Spread the idea that all unwanted books could be donated to the Home for unwanted books and not thrown away as waste.
  • Donate your books.
  • Visit our public book places and events and choose books by your choice and taste.
  • Support our organization by donating a book shelf.
  • Donate your time to our activities
  • Donate money, support us financially